In life, everything is recognized by its unique characteristics; this concept is referred to as “Specific or the most specific description “in logical terms. The unique characteristic of Islam is “moderation and balance.”
Moderation is a trait that is emphasized in every aspect of Islam, whether in beliefs, worship, ethics, transactions, politics, or trade. No aspect remains untouched by this characteristic, which is prominently upheld.
Islam is a religion of moderation and balance; moderation is equivalent to balance and fairness. It is against oppression and excess, advocating for justice, rectification, equality, and fairness.
Moderation is the ideal state where a person avoids falling into either extreme, such as miserliness and extravagance, with generosity being the middle ground. Extremism and excess are not the paths of Islam.
Moreover, Islam is a religion of peace, tranquility, and respect. It does not conflict with a modern, civil, and democratic life and does not support authoritarian, rigid, extremist, superstitious, regressive, or traditional lifestyles detrimental to Muslims. It also does not oppose women’s education, work, and political participation.
Thus, it can be said that moderation is both an Islamic and human principle. If all aspects of life are established within the framework of moderation, individuals can attain the true happiness in this world and the hereafter as described in Islamic teachings.
In Afghanistan, due to the rise of fundamentalism and extremism, the true face of religion has not been adequately presented. Different interpretations of some Islamic rulings by religious scholars are considered a significant factor in the continuation of the country’s ongoing tragedy.
So, what does moderation mean in religious texts? Why is the topic of moderation important in Islam? What benefits does uphold and practicing moderation bring to society? In this first broadcast on “Moderation,” we have invited former Minister of Hajj and Religious Affairs and religious scholar Mawlavi Mohammad Qasim Halimi, along with Professor Dr. Fazl-ul-Hadi Wazin, to discuss these topics and questions.
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