About us

Wesal TV was established as an independent and impartial media outlet to provide information to the Afghan diaspora and to provide them with information about the facilities available in other areas of travel and life. Also have informative programs for the families who want their family members to reunite with them.

The head office of this TV station is in Ottawa, Canada, with a wide network of regional offices and reporters in Afghanistan, America and Europe, providing news, analysis and other reports, features, and interviews in Pashto, Dari and English.


The Afghan conflict has been ongoing for almost half a century. During this period, many Afghans immigrated to other countries, settled there, and this unfortunate series of immigration is still underway. The crisis extended to such an extent that the refugees were not allowed to go back to their country; The result was that the second and third generation of these Afghans grew up as refugees and the collapse of the republic government in August, 2021, was also a result of the conflict, which drove a large wave of Afghan cadres and youths abroad.

Most of these Afghans are not familiar with the culture, language and other social services of the communities and countries in which they choose to live as refugees, or they have no information about the difficult routes they choose to travel with the intention of immigrating due to which they face many problems; Therefore, these refugees need reliable and balanced information; Because most Afghans do not have complete and reliable information about the routes and how to settle abroad before they leave their homes for the purpose of traveling abroad; According to the research, most of the refugees get a lot of information about this from human traffickers who are often deceived and abused by them.

On the other hand, comprehensive work (advocacy) is needed to inform the world about the realities and facts of Afghanistan; Because at present, the world treats Afghans with a wrong mentality, which has caused Afghan refugees to face problems and challenges in various fields; For this, it is necessary to give the world a positive mindset about Afghanistan and Afghans and try to convince them.

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