Physical and psychological harassment of a child is considered a crime in the United States of America, not only the harasser of child but the parents, legal caregivers and parenting individuals are considered neglectors and neglect is considered crime which has legal responsibilities.
According to the law of the US, parents are responsible to meet the basic needs of their children, which are as follow.
1-Food, clothing, and housing
2-Physical and mental health care
3-Public or private education
4-Financial support
Child abuses:
Physical abuse: Physical abuse is any act and beating of a child which results in a serious physical injury such as slapping, punching, kicking and throwing.
Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse is any act that causing emotional harm, such as insulting, making fun of, and threatening.
Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse is any forced sexual activity, inappropriate touching, or showing inappropriate photos or videos.
Negligence: Neglect is failure to provide basic necessities, including food, shelter, medical care, education, and supervision.
Leaving a child in a house unsupervised is also considered negligence towards a child, especially if the child faces any danger or risk.
Three states of the US have determined an age for those children who could be left alone on the houses. The state of Illinois assigned 14 years, Maryland 8 year and in Oregon leaving a 10-year-old child alone in the house is considered a crime.
But on other states of the US, each child’s situation is handled individually and the definition of neglect is different, where the child’s age is not determined.
The addicted parent to the use of drugs can be charged for childcare neglect and persuading a child to the use of drugs or other illegal actions is also a crime.
Beating a child not only destroys the order of a family but can cause the following worse outcomes:
Child’s short-term sadness, depression, anxiety, insomnia, antagonism, use of drugs, low sense, dumbness, failure to learning skills and failure in learning are the problems that a child may face in the long run.
The result of a survey conducted in a prison in New York City revealed that most of the prisoners were abused when they were children.
It shows that ill-treatment of children paves the way for them to be involved in crimes in the future.
The proper education, care and protection of children indicate the good fortune and success of families, due to which a healthy society is created.
Do you know the legal consequences of child abuse?
According to the laws of the United States, any kind of mistreatment and bad behavior with children, such as beating, insulting them and using them is considered a crime.
Also, carelessness and neglect towards the education of children and their protection is a crime. Anyone under the age of 18 is considered a child under the US Child Protection Act.
The preliminary responsibility for the care and protection of children is referred to their parents, guardians or legal guardians. If it is proven that they beat the child or it is proven that they have been negligent in taking care of the child, then the government separates the child from the parent and in some circumstances, it is possible to ask the parents to Parental rights may also be taken away, or their legal guardians may be deprived of the rights and privileges of guardianship, care and protection.
Teachers and trainers in schools and training centers, as well as the child’s relatives or legal guardians who have been entrusted with the official responsibility for the child’s protection and care, are responsible for their protection and care.
According to the law, these responsible persons have the responsibility to know any bad incident regarding children and if there is a violation of the child’s rights, they have to inform the authorities about it so that the children remain safe and sound.
If these responsible people neglect to inform the government, they may also face legal action. This is the reason why responsible people in schools, health centers, kindergartens and other places try to understand the mental health of children along with their physical health. If they find any injury on the child’s body or any sign of beating, they investigate it in the earliest possible.
According to the law, when an incident of violence against a child is registered, the government hands over the incident to the child protective services officials for investigation.
At first, the child is separated from his family and kept in special shelters for a short period of time, and then handed over to relatives and other reliable people and the child cannot go home until the court makes any decision.
The government has special telephone numbers for hearing incidents which can be obtained from the websites of each state.
Green Leaf Foundation:
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